You can keep items as long as you want, but you can return items separately, allowing you to keep one or more items you love longer than the others.
Renters are asked to complete a style quiz on the platform, and style experts at La Belle Bump will use that, plus the wishlist you’ve created, to curate selections for each box. Select from two different monthly subscription boxes, both with free shipping: La Belle Bump is a rental service offering stylish, high-quality nursing-friendly casual wear, office attire, and evening dresses. You’ll need to plan ahead when renting for a special weekend event. One of the disadvantages of the service is its weekday-only shipping and deliveries. You can also select a backup size for free-a helpful feature when renting maternity clothes. The first two months are discounted at $169 each.īut you don’t even have to make that kind of commitment: Rent the Runway lets you make a one-time rental for up to four or eight days. For $235 per month, you can receive 20 items per month, with five items shipped at a time.For $193 per month (around $169 for your first two months), you’ll gain access to 15 pieces per month, with five items shipped at a time.

The first two months are discounted at $99 each. At this tier and the next two tiers, you’ll be able to select items from the entire site, including event wear and premium styles, with retail values up to $3,500.